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3.5. Loading Client Side SSL Certificates

The CertLoad method can be used to load a client side SSL certificate for servers that require them for authentication. The SSL certificate file, the file containing the private key for the SSL certificate (could be the same file as the certificate), and the passphrase used to protect the private key must be provided.

Exhibit 3.11. IDL Definition of method to load client side SSL certificate

HRESULT CertLoad ([in] BSTR b_certfile, [in] BSTR b_keyfile, [in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR b_passphrase);

Exhibit 3.12. Example usage of method to load client side SSL certificate (VBScript)

'load client side SSL certificate
app.CertLoad "c:\\mycert.pem", "c:\\myprivkey.pem", "mypassphrase"