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7.1. Setting up Source and Destination

The SetSource method is used to set the source folder for a backup operation. The "local" or "remote" keywords can be set to indicate if the source folder is a local folder or a remote folder. The "include" or "exclude" keywords can be used to include or exclude a list of files and folders from the backup operation.

The SetDestination method is used to set the destination folder for a backup operation. The "local" or "remote" keywords can be set to indicate if the destination folder is a local folder or a remote folder. The "preserve" or "remove" keywords can be used to preserve or remove a list of files and folders that are present only in the destination.

Exhibit 7.1. IDL Definition of method for setting up source and destination

HRESULT SetSource      ([in] BSTR b_localremote, [in] BSTR b_path, [in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR b_sourcerule, [in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR b_itemlist);
HRESULT SetDestination ([in] BSTR b_localremote, [in] BSTR b_path, [in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR b_destrule, [in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR b_itemlist);

Exhibit 7.2. Example usage of method for setting up source and destination (VBScript)

app.SetSource       "local", "c:\\ftp", "include", "file=*.txt, file=*.doc"
app.SetDestination  "remote", "/", "preserve", "file=*.txt, file=*.doc"