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A Folders can be compared between a local and remote computer, two remote computers, or even two local folders by first obtaining a listing using the ftpgetlist command and then using the listcompare command to compare the two lists. Comparisons can be performed based on size or date. The four output lists contain items in the first list items that are not present in the second list, identical to those in the second list, newer or larger compared to the second list, and older or smaller compared to the second list.
Exhibit 7.1. Syntax of command for comparing folder listings
listcompare <keywords: bydate, bysize>, <list 1>, <list 2>, <items only in list 1>, <identical items>, <newer or larger items>, <older or smaller items>; |
Exhibit 7.2. Example of command for comparing folder listings
listcompare bydate, @list1, @list2, @list1only, @identical, @newerlist1, @olderlist1; listcompare bysize, @list1, @list2, @list1only, @identical, @largerlist1, @smallerlist1; |