Archive for the ‘Windows FTP’ Category

How to Install Sysax FTP Automation

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

How to Install FTP Automation?

Sysax Multi Sysax FTP Automation is a scripting and scheduling program for Microsoft Windows that enables the creation, debugging, and execution of file transfer related tasks. The following easy steps used for installing Sysax FTP Automation.

o Verify that the setup file is digitally signed by Codeorigin, LLC.
o Double click on the setup file to run the installation wizard.
o Follow on-screen instructions to install Sysax FTP Automation.

Sysax FTP Automation runs on all versions of Microsoft Windows operating system including:

o Windows 95
o Windows 98
o Windows ME
o Windows 2000
o Windows XP
o Windows 2003
o Windows Vista
o Windows 7
o Windows Server 2008
o Windows 8

The minimum hardware required to run Sysax FTP Automation are:

o Pentium Class or higher processor
o At least 16MB of free system RAM
o At least 10MB of hard disk space
o Internet Connection or Local Area Network Connection

Also, it enables Windows System Administrators to easily automate both simple and complex recurring tasks. The tasks can be scheduled to run at any hour of the day or can be triggered to run whenever a change is detected in a monitored folder. Technical support for it is provided by an online support system. Please visit support to submit a support ticket or to check the status of an existing support ticket.


How to uninstall it?

To uninstall Sysax FTP Automation,

o Click the Start button on your computer
o Select the All Programs Menu
o Select Sysax FTP Automation
o Click on Uninstall Sysax FTP Automation
o Follow on-screen instructions to uninstall Sysax FTP Automation


o Click the Start button
o Select Settings
o Select Control Panel
o Select Add/Remove Programs
o Choose Sysax FTP Automation from the list
o Click Add/Remove button
o Follow on-screen instructions to uninstall Sysax FTP Automation


Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

What is SFTP?

Secure file transfer protocol (sftp) is a terminal program that encrypts the files that you send and receive to a remote system. The Open-ssh package comes with three client programs. One of which is sftp.  It is presently not implemented on the server.


What is FTPS?

FTPS (also known as FTP-ES, FTP-SSL and FTP Secure) is an extension to the commonly used File Transfer Protocol (FTP) that adds support for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) cryptographic protocols. FTPS should not be confused with the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), an incompatible secure file transfer subsystem for the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. It is also different from Secure FTP, the practice of tunneling FTP through an SSH connection.

o When establishing an SSL secure session, the following steps occur:

o Authenticate the server to the client.

o Allow the client and server to select the cryptographic algorithms, or ciphers, that they both support.

o Optionally authenticate the client to the server.

o Use public-key encryption techniques to generate shared secrets.





o Often called ‘FTPS’

o Often called ‘Secure FTP’

o Plain FTP over TLS/SSL channel

o Password is encrypted

o Transfer is encrypted

o Typically runs over TCP port 21 or 990

o Defined by RFC 959, 1123, 4217 and 2228

o Implemented in FTP/SSL component


SSH File Transfer Protocol

o SSH File Transfer Protocol

o Has nothing common with original FTP

o Often called ‘Secure FTP’

o Password is encrypted

o Transfer is encrypted

o Typically runs over TCP port 22

o RFC not yet finished

o Implemented in SFTP component














SFTP and FTPS are both very secure with strong authentication options.  However since SFTP is much easier to port through firewalls, and we are seeing an increasing percentage of trading partners adopting SFTP, I believe SFTP is the clear winner for your secure FTP needs.

How to Use the Script Wizard to Generate Script with Sysax FTP Automation (part 2)

Monday, March 10th, 2014

Instructions how to upload a file or folder

The ftpupload command can be used to upload either an individual file or an entire folder tree. The files and folders are uploaded to the current remote working path that was set using the ftpsetpath command.


o Setting local path:

The ftpsetpath command is used to set the current working path for the local system. The predefined keywords local is used to specify the local system. The path string contains the new path to be set. The ftpresult predefined status flag is set to the predefined constant success if the command completed successfully.


Syntax for setting local path

ftpsetpath <keywords: local>, <path string>;


Example of using the command for setting paths

ftpsetpath local, "c:\\ftptemp";
"set the current local working path


The predefined keywords file and folder are used to specify either a file or a folder. An optional remote name string can be provided to save the uploaded item to a new name. If a wildcard name pattern is specified, all items matching that pattern are uploaded. If a new name is also provided, it is used for saving the first matching item. The ftpresult predefined status flag is set to the predefined constant success if the command completed successfully.


Syntax for uploading files and folders

ftpupload <keywords: file, folder>, <local name string>
[, optional: <remote name string>];


Examples of uploading files and folders

ftpupload file, "out_text.dat"; #upload file

ftpupload file, "*.doc"; #upload all files in
the current folder matching the pattern *.doc

ftpupload file, "out_text.dat", "out_text_0503.dat";
#upload file and saving it as out_text_0503.dat

ftpupload folder, "www"; #upload entire folder tree



How to Use the Script Wizard to Generate Script with Sysax FTP Automation (part 1)

Sunday, March 9th, 2014

Instructions how to download a file or folder

The ftpdownload command can be used to download either an individual file or an entire folder tree. The files and folders are downloaded to the current local working path that was set using the ftpsetpath command.


o Setting remote path:

The ftpsetpath command is used to set the current working path for the remote system. The predefined keyword remote is used to specify either the remote system. The path string contains the new path to be set. The ftpresult predefined status flag is set to the predefined constant success if the command completed successfully.


Syntax for setting remote path

ftpsetpath <keywords: remote>, <path string>;


Example of using the command for setting paths

ftpsetpath remote, "/home/ftpin"; "set the current remote working path


The predefined keywords file and folder are used to specify either a file or a folder. An optional local name string can be provided to save the downloaded item to a new name. If a wildcard name pattern is specified, all items matching that pattern are downloaded. If a new name is also provided, it is used for saving the first matching item. The ftpresult predefined status flag is set to the predefined constant success if the command completed successfully.


Syntax for downloading files and folders

ftpdownload <keywords: file, folder>, <remote name string>
[, optional: <local name string>];


Examples of downloading files and folders

ftpdownload file, "text.dat"; #download file

ftpdownload file, "*.doc"; #download all files in
the current folder matching the pattern *.doc

ftpdownload file, "text.dat", "text_0503.dat";
#download file and save as text_0503.dat

ftpdownload folder, "www"; #download entire folder tree


Sysax FTP Automation Overview

Saturday, March 8th, 2014


FTP stands for “file transfer protocol.” FTP powers one of the fundamental Internet functions and is the prescribed method for the transfer of files between computers. It is also the easiest and most secure way to exchange files over the Internet. Sysax FTP Automation is a scripting and scheduling program for Microsoft Windows that enables the creation, debugging, and execution of file transfer related tasks.   Sysax FTP Automation enables you to automate both simple and complicated file transfer sequences using either a simple FTP scripting language or a list of the FTP commands to execute. Sysax FTP Automation is currently used by fortune 1000 companies, educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and many small businesses worldwide.


What is used for?

o The most common use of FTP is to download files.

o FTP is vital to the MP3 music sharing, most online auctions and game enthusiasts.

o The ability to transfer files quickly and reliably is essential for everyone creating and maintaining a web page.


Benefits of Sysax FTP Automation

Secure file transfers

Sysax FTP Automation supports SSH2 based SFTP, SSL/TLS based FTPS, and regular FTP. Public key authentication and client side SSL certificates are also supported.

Easy automation

Automation wizard automatically generates file transfer scripts that can be customized and fine tuned. It is also an integrated editor and debugger enables scripts to be stepped through line by line to debug them. The integrated scheduler runs as an NT service and can execute scripting tasks and other programs.

Outstanding value

File transfer scripts can be executed using the scheduler or from within other scripts or programs. The Enterprise edition supports execution of up to 16 file transfer tasks simultaneously. A Personal edition of the product is available, free for non-commercial use. It is easy to install and does not require advanced IT skills to manage. The program can even be used as a direct replacement for the ftp.exe command line program that is shipped in Windows.

Protocols supported include FTP, FTPS, and SFTP

Support for public key authentication and client side SSL certificates

Support for email notification

Open PGP Encryption and decryption support

Supports file resuming for both uploads and downloads

File compression and decompression

Command line FTP tool and FTP scripting

Task Scheduler that runs as a Windows Service

Certified for Windows Vista

Certified for Windows Server 2012


System Requirements

Sysax FTP Automation runs on all versions of Microsoft Windows operating system including:

o Windows 95

o Windows 98

o Windows ME

o Windows 2000

o Windows XP

o Windows 2003

o Windows Vista

o Windows 7

o Windows Server 2008

o Windows 8

The minimum hardware required to run Sysax FTP Automation are:

o  Pentium Class or higher processor

o At least 16MB of free system RAM

o  At least 10MB of hard disk space

o  Internet Connection or Local Area Network Connection


Friday, March 7th, 2014

What is FTP

FTP is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol. It is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet.

FTP, you can update (delete, rename, move, and copy) files at a server. You need to logon to an FTP server. However, publicly available files are easily accessed using anonymous FTP.

Basic FTP support is usually provided as part of a suite of programs that come with TCP/IP. However, any FTP client program with a graphical user interface usually must be downloaded from the company that makes it.


What is SFTP

In computing, the SSH File Transfer Protocol (also Secure File Transfer Protocol, or SFTP) is a network protocol that provides file access, file transfer, and file management functionalities over any reliable data stream. It was designed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an extension of the Secure Shell protocol (SSH) version 2.0 to provide secure file transfer capability, but is also intended to be usable with other protocols.

This protocol assumes that it is run over a secure channel, such as SSH, that the server has already authenticated the client, and that the identity of the client user is available to the protocol. SSH File Transfer Protocol (“SFTP”) is sometimes also used instead of ftp.             SFTP clients are programs that use SSH to access, manage, and transfer files. SFTP clients are functionally similar to FTP clients, but they use different protocols.



The list below shows only those features which differ between the protocols, so it is not complete listing.






Secure (SSH) Optionally secure (FTP over TLS/SSL)


Generally slowest (encryption and necessity to wait for packet confirmations). Generally fastest file transfer (no encryption and efficient file transfer), yet transfer setup is slow, so transfer of large number of small files can be slow.

Large files

Supports files over 4 GiB (uses 64-bit sizes). Supports files over 4 GiB.

Append to end of file

Supported. Supported. Unsupported by WinSCP.

Directory operations

Recursive operations with directories (deletion, permissions change) must be performed separately for each file. Thus operations can take a long time, especially for directories with a large number of files.

File renaming and moving

Supported since SFTP-2. Supported.


Generally, only login information is needed.




FTP and SFTP is a good solution for keeping backups however it’s not perfect. Using FTP/SFTP as storage is much cheaper but in the return you get lower reliability and weaker security level than those for cloud storage services. Anyway FTP and SFTP still are the best choice for keeping large amounts of frequently used data which is not too sensitive.

If you’ve got a choice between the two connections, always make sure you’re using SFTP. Most hosting services, today, use only SFTP; but buyers beware. There are those few out there that either allow or require you to use standard FTP. Avoid it. It’s not safe and secure.

How to Copy a Folder and Subfolders to Multiple Clients with Sysax FTP Automation?

Thursday, March 6th, 2014


Folders and sub folders can be copied using the ftpcopylocal command. The item identified by the source name is copied to the specified destination path. The ftpresult predefined status flag is set to the predefined constant success if the command completed successfully.


ftpcopylocal <source name>, <destination path>;




ftpcopylocal "dw_folder", "C:\\backup"; #copy a folder

ftpcopylocal "dw_folder\\sub_folder", "C:\\backup\\sub"; #copy the sub folder



v   Connect the server for a connection with multiple clients.

v   All the clients are to be configure in script successfully.

v   Script can be written as follows.

v   Run the above script

v   Copied a folder and subfolders to multiple clients with Sysax ftp automation successfully.

ftpconnect "intel", 21, "acc1", "pass1";
ftpsetpath local "D:\\local1";
ftpcopylocal "1", "C:\\backup\\a1";
if ftpresult eq success begin
print " status: pass";
end else begin
print " status: fail";
ftpconnect "intel", 21, "acc2", "pass2";
ftpsetpath local "D:\\local2";
ftpcopylocal "2", "C:\\backup\\a2";
if ftpresult eq success begin
print " status: pass";
end else begin
print " status: fail";
ftpconnect "intel", 21, "acc3", "pass3";
ftpsetpath local "D:\\local3";
ftpcopylocal "3", "C:\\backup\\a3";
if ftpresult eq success begin
print " status: pass";
end else begin
print " status: fail";


How to Protect Your Passwords and Other Strings with FTP Scripting

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

What is FTP Scripting

The FTP scripting language consists of a list of file transfer related commands, conditional statements, and loops necessary for initiating, managing, and reporting the status of automated file transfers.


For what it can be used?

FTP scripts enable the automation of file transfers and many other file processing activities. The scripting language is simple yet expressive and provides error checking, conditional execution, looping, list handling, wildcard matching, and variable manipulation. Secure file transfers using both FTPS (SSL/TLS) and SFTP (SSH2) are supported in addition to regular FTP.

Scripts may be executed from the command line, scheduled as one-time/recurring tasks, triggered when the contents of a monitored folder changes, or called from other scripts.

This scripting language provides commands to store and retrieve multiple public and private keys using keyrings, import and export public and private key files, and encrypt and decrypt files using Openpgp.


Benefits of FTP Scripting

o Easy to learn scripting language.

o Automating the transfers is as easy as putting these commands into a script file.

o Worked with string and numeric variables.

o Worked with lists of files and folders.

o Synchronized whole directory trees using a single command.

o Supported some more file transfer and file system command operations.

o Supported local file operations and email notification.

o Accepted Openpgp automation concepts.

o Accessed system information.

o Supported public key authentication and client side ssl certificates.

o Run an ftp script within a batch file outside of the Sysax ftp automation program.


How FTP Scripting protects your passwords and other strings

The following switch encrypts the string that is passed in. It is part of a mechanism used to hide passwords and other important strings. The generated encrypted string can be used with the setprotectedvar command within a script.


 -protectstring <string to be protected>
encrypt a string for use with the setprotectedvar command


Examples of using the switch for creating protected strings:

sysaxftp -protectstring mypassword
#protect the "mypassword" string by encrypting it
sysaxftp -protectstring mypassword > passfile.txt
#encrypt "mypassword" and save it to passfile.txt



Hide username and password in the current script. The contents of a protected variable will be automatically decrypted when the variable is passed to the ftpconnect* group of commands, the certload command, or the pkeyload command. In all other cases, only the encrypted value is made available. The encrypted string for a protected variable should be generated from the command line using the -protectstring option.


Syntax for setting and updating variables:

setvar <variable>,<string or number>;

strprint <variable>,
<sequence of comma separated strings, numbers, and variables>;

setprotectedvar <variable>,
<encrypted string generated from the command line
using the -protectstring option>;


Examples of setting and updating variables:

setvar ~my_number, 5;setvar ~my_string, "this is a string";

strprint ~my_value, "the value is ", 5, " bytes";

setprotectedvar ~my_value,


Sysax Multi Server Overview

Tuesday, March 4th, 2014


Sysax Multi Server is a Secure FTP server, SSH2 secure shell server, Telnet server, and HTTPS file server combined into a single Windows program. It’s robust, secure, and high-speed software architecture makes it suitable for business and personal use of file transfer needs. It is currently used by fortune 1000 companies, educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and many small businesses worldwide.



Supports multiple internet protocols

All file transfer protocols including FTP, FTPS, and SFTP are supported in addition to HTTP and HTTPS based file transfers. Telnet and Secure shell access are also supported.

Supports Multiple Authentication Methods

The server can authenticate connections using existing windows user accounts, LDAP Active Directory servers, external databases accessible using ODBC or Sysax server specific user accounts. Additionally, access to specific connection protocols may be restricted for individual user accounts.

Supports remote web-based administration

The server can be remotely administered using any web browser. Server settings can be modified on the fly. Activities of connected users can be modified in real time.

Runs FTP scripts based on server events

The server can run FTP scripts that are trigged by events such as user login, file transfer completion, file rename, and delete operations. The server event type, user name, user IP address, and corresponding file names are made available inside the script. The FTP scripts are identical to that supported by Sysax FTP Automation and can be used to send email, initiate file transfers, process local files, or run other programs.

Runs as a Windows service

The program runs as a Windows service and can be configured to automatically start on system boot up even when no user is logged on.

Free personal edition

A free personal edition that supports one connection at a time and unlimited account creation is available for non-commercial use.

Simple to set up and use

Sysax Multi Server is simple to set up and use on any Windows-based computer.

Supports both anonymous and account-based access

Sysax Multi Server enables you to set up both anonymous and password protected user accounts on the same computer.

High speed software architecture

The software architecture for Sysax Multi Server has been fine-tuned to support very high data transfer rates, and large volumes of user connections.

Protection against security breaches

Sysax Multi Server has been designed to safeguard against many types of malicious hacking attacks against the server.

Unlimited free customer support

Licensed users of Sysax Multi Server are eligible for unlimited free customer service.

o  Encryption with SSL/TLS (for FTPS) and SSH2 (for SFTP)

o  Supports file resuming for both uploads and downloads

o  File integrity verification using CRC32, MD5, and SHA1

o  Support for automatic IP blocking for failed logins

o  Support for High Availability/Failover and Windows Clustering


Link for download Sysax Multi Server

A secure SSH2 server or FTP server is needed for file hosting or remote shell access on windows systems. Sysax Multi Server offers a solution that is reliable, easy to use, and covers a wide variety of protocols ranging from FTP, Telnet, FTPS, and SSH2 to HTTPS based file transfer. It’s robust, secure, and high-speed software architecture makes it suitable for business and personal use of file transfer needs.  To download it, please click the link


System Requirements

Sysax Multi Server is compatible with Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows server 2008, is certified for Windows Vista, and runs on all versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system including:

o   Windows 95

o   Windows 98

o   Windows 2000

o   Windows ME

o   Windows XP

o   Windows 2003

o   Windows Vista

o   Windows Server 2008

o   Windows 7

o   Windows 8


The minimum hardware required to run Sysax Multi Server are:

o   Pentium Class or higher processor

o   At least 16MB of free system RAM

o   At least 10MB of hard disk space

o   Connection to the internet or local network

Also, Sysax Multi Server supports a multi-threaded architecture that scales well on multi-core and multi-processor systems.

Windows vs. Linux

Monday, March 3rd, 2014

General introduction

Windows and Linux have very similar Graphical User Interfaces (GUI’s) they are in fact, very different systems.

Windows source code is a very closely guarded secret, and any ‘hacking’ into the software itself is considered an offence and breach of copyright.  Windows is the most widely used operating system in the world; it is used by most business, academic institutions and homes. It is considered to be a very user friendly system and there are many different versions out there to fulfill the needs of every user, for any use.

Linux is very different, most versions of the Linux operating system are available freely throughout the Linux website and Linux itself it not actually a profit making organization; the use of the logo, software and all other related software is available for all to use however they wish to use it. However, despite this piece of sophisticated software being free, it is by no means the most widely used in the world.

Advantages and disadvantages of Windows

Below is a chart to help illustrate the major advantages and disadvantages of Windows operating system.





Microsoft Windows can run between $50.00 – $150.00 US dollars per each license copy.


Microsoft Windows has made great improvements in reliability over the last few versions of Windows; it still cannot match the reliability of Linux.


The large amount of Microsoft Windows users, there is a much larger selection of available software programs, utilities, and games for Windows.


The amount of Microsoft Windows users and the broader driver support, Windows has a much larger support for hardware devices and almost all hardware manufacturers will support their products in Microsoft Windows.


Microsoft has made great improvements over the years with security on their operating system; their operating system continues to be the most vulnerable to viruses and other attacks.


Microsoft Windows includes its own help section, has vast amount of available online documentation and help, as well as books on each of the versions of Windows.

Advantages and disadvantages of Linux

Below is a chart to help illustrate the major advantages and disadvantages of Linux operating system.





The majority of Linux variants are available for free or at a much lower price than Microsoft Windows.


The majority of Linux variants and versions are notoriously reliable and can often run for months and years without needing to be rebooted.


Linux has a large variety of available software programs, utilities, and games. However, Windows has a much larger selection of available software.


Although hardware manufacturers have made great advancements in supporting Linux it still will not support most hardware devices. However, for the hardware devices that have driver support they will usually work in all versions of Linux.


Linux is and has always been a very secure operating system. Although it still can be attacked when compared to Windows, it much more secure.


Although it may be more difficult to find users familiar with all Linux variants, there are vast amounts of available online documentation and help, available books, and support available for Linux.